- Community service cleaning up adopted highways
- Broomball
- Monthly mixer with sister secret societies
- 9/11
- Killing JFK
- Genocide in Darfur
- Live Aid
- Skull and Bones Night at East Village
I am already preparing myself for all the crazy initiation rituals. I killed a bug!
Earlier today I bought a Cherry Coke and all day I have been thinking it was a Dr. Pepper. I should probably stop drinking soda but they don't sell milk in vending machines. WHASSUPWITDAT!
I wish I could sing so that I could sit around at work writing folksy little tunes and then go play them in a bar on an acoustic guitar and get discovered by Quincy Jones and he would take them and turn them into funk hits. But I can't so what's the use? Life is so bleak.
Also, did you know that the website for the American Mustache Institute is not blocked at work? Now you know! It seems pretty gay but I guess it's alright!
what you bitchin about, cherry coke is the heat
what kind of bug did you kill
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